Reading Notes: Grimm Part A

A man and woman wished for a child for a long time, but although they tried many times they could not conceive. Through a window in their house they could see a beautiful garden that belonged to a powerful enchantress that was feared by all the world. The woman longed to eat some rampion out of the garden so her husband snuck in and stole some in the night. The made a salad of it and ate. The next day she lusted for three times as much rampion. Again the husband went to the garden, but he came face to face with the enchantress. He pleaded with her that it was only for his wife. The enchantress's rage subsided and she let out a proposition. He could take as much rampion as he wished, but his wife's child would be given to the enchantress. The man agreed and they both departed. The woman had the child and the enchantress appeared to take her away. The child was named Rapunzel and she grew into the most beautiful woman ever. When Rapunzel was twelve she was locked away in a tower...