Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths and Stories Part A
The story start as a simple creation story similar to that of the bible or other creation stories. Ra, god of the sun, was the first and greatest among the gods to be created. He then later created all living things, including humans.
The mysteries Ra's power is said to come from a secret name which is never spoken by word, but held deeply inside him. The goddess Isis had great ambitions to be as powerful as Ra, so she set out to learn his secret name. she created a snake from his saliva and the earth that bit him. This snake made him deathly ill, and Isis coerced the secret name out of Ra so that she might heal him while also fulfilling her own wishes.
Ra after ruling for many ages came to know of treachery by man against him. He gathered all the gods to his side in secret as to not cause a panic in the people. The gods decided that mankind must be punished, so the gods began slaughtering them. Soon after much bloodshed, Ra's anger had past and he wished to save what remained of humanity.
After mankind atoned for the transgressions through a slaughter by the gods, Ra returned to the heavens as he wished no more to rule over the earth. He let Osiris take his place on the throne and rule over the lands of Egypt. Osiris ushered in a new age for Egypt which was civilized with laws and had peace between the peoples. He taught them farming, instructed them to worship the gods in temples and live more holy lives. But his brother who wished death and destruction over peace began to plot.
The plot began at the feast upon Osiris' return in which set came with a chest that was made to fit the kings body. He offered the chest to anyone whose body fit its dimension perfectly. The king got in and was locked inside. The kings died in this chest, and Set ascended the throne. The land of Egypt once again descended into madness.
Isis, widower of Osiris, had a child name Horus. Horus was given shelter by Uazit, virgin god of Buto, and his mother once again sought out the body of Osiris. She found his body in Syria and returned it to Egypt where it was worshipped for centuries.
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