Reading Notes: Brer Rabbit Part B
The story begins after brer turtle tricked brer fox into letting go of his tail, letting him get away into the pond. Brer turtle is now conversing with brer frog who is on the side of the pond. Brer frog tells fox to look into the water to find his long lost brother, so fox does this. Fox reaches out to shake hands with his reflection and falls in.
Brer rabbit and a bunch of brer animals are working in a field, brer rabbit gets tired and goes down to a well with a bucket on it. He for some reason lowers himself down the well in the bucket. Brer fox, who always keeps an eye on rabbit, looks at this scene in amazement. Brer fox crept up to the well, while simultaneously brer rabbit was keeping perfectly still to not tip over the bucket into the water. Brer fox makes himself known with a hello, and rabbit claims he is fishing. Rabbit tells fox that there is lots of fishes down in the water, and persuades him to get in the bucket. The counter weight lifts brer rabbit out and lowers brer fox into the well. Rabbit runs off and notifies the others about fox getting into the well. Fox eventually gets out and everyone goes back to working the fields.
Before a great harvest season brer rabbit and brer buzzard agreed that the would do a joint farm this time around. After a harvest that filled the truck many times over the two animals split the profits. Brer rabbit ended up with way more than an equal share much to the dismay of buzzard. Brer buzzard told rabbit that he found a bountiful gold mine across the river and invites him into another partnership. Rabbit struggled with how to get across the river, because if his foot touched the water his family would get sick. Brer buzzard agreed to carry him across the river, but mid journey the stop on an island in the middle of the river. Brer rabbit gets cold feet about the ordeal and wishes to go back. In an effort to make peace with brer buzzard who currently held the bigger bag, rabbit told the truth about the crops and agreed to split it equally.
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Brer Rabbit & Brer Buzzard on the island Source |
Books of Brer Rabbit by Joel Chandler Harries
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